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Building Women into Global Economic Giants!


A world where ‘’Women’’ Global Economic Giants is an everyday phenomenon.



To inculcate a rich culture of Investment and Entrepreneurship among Women by creating Self-Employment opportunities for Women across Africa by means of providing them with Start-up Goods at affordable rates to establish Women owned enterprises and create jobs for women on a broad scale.  To further encourage Women to trade globally by facilitating global Joint venture partnerships between women around the world in order to enable International Trade Opportunities among women entrepreneurs on a global scale.



Celebrate the birth and existence of Great Women daily!


Great Women International is a New Media & Communications Company that focuses on creating products that are tailor-made for Women and creating self-employment opportunities for Women in and around the African Continent.  The Company especially focuses on New Media Mediums of Marketing to sell its products and to build its Network because the age of technology provides us with fast and effective mediums of advertising that bridge the time and space gap between people. 


The Company was established two and a half years ago by Ms. Puleng Mpokotho  under the Guidance of Green Green and IMB.

Mr. Danie Grobbler, a Partner and Director at IMB, is a formidable Businessman who has been in Business for many years hence his Role as Business Mentor to the Great Women International Management Team has played a pivotal Role in the Company’s journey from its inception.


Great Women International Online Boutique

Great Women International has a Global Vision. Therefore, the Company’s Prime Marketing/Advertising Engine is its Online Boutique that sells GWI Branded Clothing&Fragrances for Women and other related Products such as GWI Festival and Conference tickets. The Online Boutique also creates Self-Employment Opportunities for Women who are Entrepreneurial by assisting them to kick-start their own businesses by means of supplying them with GWI branded clothing  and fragrances on credit. These Entrepreneurs then pay off this debt over an agreed period between the Entrepreneur and GWI. GWI is currently supplying 58 Women with Clothing and Fragrances on Credit across South Africa, the Company is also supplying 3 Women in Lesotho, 1 in Mozambique and 1 in Namibia. For more information on how to become a Great Women Online Boutique Distributor, please email:pmpokotho@gmail.comand 


The Great Women International Magazine

The Great Women International Business and Lifestyle Gloss Magazine was Launched in October 2012. After having been received well by its Exclusive Market, we decided to issue it twice a year from the year 2013, the Magazine’s 2nd edition will therefore be issued in August 2013 as we celebrate Women in our country.


This Magazine aims at laying a foot print into the Media Industry as the Most Economically Inspirational Magazine for Women and the only Magazine that strives to plunge ‘Concealed’ Great Women around the Globe into the Spot light.


We believe that there are countless Nameless, faceless, Remarkable Women around the Globe who accomplish the Greatest Works during our times and yet their ‘From Nothing to Greatness’ Stories never make it into Media Spaces of Influence. We at Great Women International recognize the Powerful Role that the Media plays within our lives, it shapes and further feeds our views of ourselves, the world, our capabilities and our hunger to succeed or lack thereof. We aim at being that Media Tool that will stir up the Seed of Greatness in every Woman and feed her very being with the hunger to Rise above her circumstances and reach for Greatness during this era.


The Market – Readership [Who is our Market]

Reader Profile: 25-65 year old Women

LSM 5-10 – Middle Class to Affluent Women


Mode of Distribution

Great Women International comprehends the value of Brand building hence we do not plan on selling the Magazine on the shelves during the first 36 months of operation due to the fact that we still have to build the brand to ensure that the market responds positively to it when we are ready to place it on the shelves.


We aim at giving our Clients/Advertisers value for their Money by ensuring that the Magazine reaches their Market. Great Women International sends the Magazine for free to 10,000  High Profile Women in Government and the Private Sector.

Our Brand

We at Great Women International value the Notion of ‘’Brand-Building’’. We believe it is one of the most critical factors to invest in when building a Business. The continuous Growth of our  Membership on our Online Boutique introduces us to countless new Business opportunities. We however strive to select the ventures that we embark on meticulously, in order to ensure that our Brand stays protected as it grows. We are determined to build Great Women International into a powerful, World Class Brand that will be able to compete comfortably on a Global scale. We also aim at being that Brand that inspires Women to Rise to Greatness against the Odds by contributing positively towards the Rise of ‘’Women’’ Global Economic Giants across the world.

Our two to five year Plan

Great Women International intends on establishing GWI Boutiques as a Franchise Business across carefully selected Countries in and around the African Continent. Our aim is to establish our first Boutique between September and October 2013 in the City of Cape Town.


We further aim at establishing three International Annual events that will draw in participants from all over the globe.


GWI Three Annual Events

  • Annual Women in Song Festival

  • Annual Film Festival for Men and Women from all over the world

  • An Annual GWI Fashion Show

 Our Five to Ten year Plan

Great Women International aims at Establishing a TV Station  in the next five to ten years.